John with Harley Mission Rooms Trust Chair Cynthia Shaw
Work has started on a new car park to help ease traffic in Harley.
It’s after John Healey worked with residents, Rotherham Council and Wentworth Estates to create a new car park for Harley Village Mission Rooms.
The Mission Rooms are a focal point for the community and often hold events, but the building had no car park and vehicles would have to park on the main road running through the village.
But a new car park is now being created opposite the Mission Rooms to help ease congestion in the area.
Wentworth and Dearne MP John Healey said: “It’s great to see that work is finally underway on the new car park for Harley Mission Rooms.
“The community has been looking for a solution to parking in the area for some time and I was happy to help and bring the Council, Wentworth Estates and local residents together to find a solution.
“The new car park will be a real benefit to the village and helps support the fantastic community events that the Harley Mission Rooms put on for people in the area.”
The new car park will also feature wildflowers which have been planted by volunteers.
Cynthia Shaw, Chair of Harley Village Mission Rooms Trust, said: “John has been hugely instrumental helping to create the new car park to serve the Mission Rooms and is unstintingly supportive of our local community.
“I’d like to thank everyone that’s been involved in creating the car park from those who’ve carried out the works to the volunteers who’ve lent a hand in planting wildflowers.”