Capita update 14 April
I’ve had reports from Capita workers over the last week saying managers in the Dearne call centres are finally taking steps to: enable employees to work from home, use social distancing on the call centre floor, provide more sanitising gels, post clear notices and introduce one-way movements.
I’m pleased my conversations with national directors at Capita have had a positive effect on working conditions.
I’ve been in touch with Capita’s senior team to pass on the encouraging feedback I’ve had, but I’ve stressed there are outstanding issues I’ll continue to pursue – including conditions for outsourced cleaners, working from home and the furlough scheme.
There are also individual cases constituents are raising with me and I will continue to take them up with Capita, as necessary.
Please keep your reports on conditions at Capita – good and bad – coming in. Together we will keep the pressure on.
Capita update 8 April
Many of those who have contacted me feel that things are now improving as a result of pressure, but I still want to see greater use of home-working and the government’s ‘furlough’ scheme and more still done to reassure workers about health protection.
I’m continuing to have discussions with very senior national directors at Capita and am raising with them specific criticisms constituents are telling me about.
- Read the email I received from Matthew Vallance, Capita’s managing director for customer management, on 7 April.
Capita update 31 March
Many employees of Capita have been contacting me telling me they’re worried the company is not following Government health advice or doing enough to protect staff.
I’ve also received complaints about other call centres and big employers in the Dearne.
On 25 March, I wrote to Capita’s chief executive, Jonathan Lewis, saying that the biggest employers have the biggest role in helping stop the rapid and wide spread of COVID-19, and expressing concern that Capita was not doing enough to cut the risk of dispersing the virus into hundreds of families’ homes.
On 29 March, I received this reply from Mr Lewis.
I cannot let it rest here, because what he is saying is flatly contradicted by reports I’m continuing to receive from staff at Capita’s Dearne Valley call centre.
I have challenged the chief executive again today and pressed for proper action to protect staff.
Related news and information:
- I’ve added some general advice and information for employees and employers on my website here.
- I’ve written to the Prime Minister to raise concerns about businesses not following Government health guidance, and calling for enforcement and more support for workers who need to challenge managers. Read my letter to Boris Johnson here.