In a historic move, the UK voted to leave the European Union by a slim majority of 52 to 48%.
Responding to the outcome, John said: “I campaigned hard, alongside a great team of dedicated Labour volunteers to argue that I believed the UK would be safer and more secure with a stronger economic future as part of Europe. So I was dismayed when the national result came through on Friday morning. I would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to all of those that worked so hard on our local campaign and to all those who voted ‘Remain’. To those who voted ‘Leave’, I know from hundreds of doorstep conversations about the deep concerns and strong feelings that led so many people to want to vote ‘out’. The Referendum result was clear, Labour accepts this verdict and I will now work hard both to make sure the democratic decision of the British people is implemented and we win the best possible deals for the country’s future.”