John has paid a visit to the BDR Renewi waste treatment facility at Manvers to check how the company is responding to complaints from residents. 

For a number of years, he has received complaints about noise, odour and flies. 

The number of complaints rose to unprecedented levels last year. 

The Environment Agency’s role is to regulate the facility and as part of their work they appointed a specialist to review the fly management processes and suggest any improvements needed.  

Renewi carry out weekly analysis of fly numbers and species and have changed the way they apply pesticides throughout the waste treatment process.  

This year only one complaint has been received about flies, and the Environment Agency does not think the plant is the source. 

John said: “I know it’s been frustrating for people to report this issue year after year but with residents’ help in collecting evidence we’re getting to the bottom of where the flies are coming from. 

“Renewi have invested heavily in fly treatments and worked hard to follow the advice given by the Environment Agency. There has been a significant reduction in fly numbers in and around the facility compared to last year. 

“I was reassured by what I heard and saw during my visit but will continue listening to residents and working with Renewi and the Environment Agency to pinpoint the source of flies where they remain a problem.” 

The BDR plant has also been inspected by environmental health at Barnsley Council who are looking for other potential sources of flies in the area.  

The facility opened in 2015 and takes up to 250,000 tonnes of residual waste from 340,000 households across Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham, successfully diverting more than 97 per cent of waste received from landfill. 

It combines Mechanical Biological Treatment and Anaerobic Digestion to extract overlooked recycling and produce fuel and a compost-like material from leftover waste. 

Renewi Contract Director Simon Lund said: “Great to have John visit to see for himself the excellent work we’re doing and how seriously we take our environmental responsibilities and being a good neighbour. 

“All the data we have so far indicates that the changes we’ve made have had a significant impact on flies within the facility and we will continue to monitor this closely. 

“We are proud of the contribution we are making to a more sustainable world, a goal which we know John shares.”