Campaign win! Speed limit to be lowered outside school
John’s campaign to cut traffic speed outside a school has been won.
The current speed limit outside Ravenfield Primary School is 40mph but MP John Healey has been fighting for it to be lowered to 20mph during drop-off and pick-up times at the beginning and end of the school day.
The campaign is supported by the school, governors and parents and nearly 300 people signed a petition.
Now Rotherham Council’s cabinet have approved a plan to install new signs on Moor Lane North and trial a 20mph speed limit indicated by flashing amber lights at children’s arrival and departure times.
Mr Healey said: “I’m delighted at this decision and want to thank the school and all the people in Ravenfield who have helped me show there was local concern and support for this idea.
“I hope the new signs may be in place in the spring. If it’s a success, similar measures could be put in place outside other schools in Rotherham.”
Ravenfield headteacher Linda Davis said: “We are delighted to hear that the speed limit will be reduced to 20mph outside the school as a positive step to ensure the safety of our children.
“We would like to thank John and all the staff, parents and community for their support with this campaign.”
The school have called for a lower speed limit for several years but Mr Healey became involved in the campaign in October after being approached by concerned parents at his coffee morning in Ravenfield.
He has since had meetings at Rotherham Council with the senior director, officer and cabinet member responsible and delivered leaflets around Ravenfield letting people know about the campaign and inviting them to return a form if they back it.
In addition, the school has carried out a survey of 85 parents. All said they were concerned about road safety outside Ravenfield Primary and 92% thought the speed limit was too high.
According to a report about speed limits to Rotherham Council’s cabinet in January, cutting traffic speed reduces collisions and where they do occur there is a reduced risk of fatal and serious injury.
20mph schemes in other parts of Rotherham have cut collisions by up to 100%.