A number of people have contacted me recently raising concerns about racing on Dearne Valley Parkway and driver gatherings at Cortonwood Retail Park.
I want residents to have the chance to let me know about their experience so I am holding a virtual public meeting on Thursday 9 July at 5pm.
Residents have suffered for years and are fed up. I am determined to do all I can to try to get this sorted.
As you may know, I did a lot of work a couple of years ago to stop drivers meeting at the retail park. I made sure new gates were fitted on the car parks and existing gates were closed consistently every night after shops closed. I understand the current problem is cars gathering in the car park at the back of B&Q and I have got on to the retail park managers this week to press them to resolve this. They are looking at why the gate isn’t being closed and whether additional measures are possible.
The problem of drivers with wide-bore exhausts racing on the Parkway is more difficult to solve, but this week I have also been in touch with police and Barnsley council to see what can be done.
The virtual meeting will be held using Zoom, and if you want to register you should email me – john.healey.mp@parliament.uk – with your name, address and email address. I will then send out an invitation link and more information nearer the time.
The meeting will also be attended by police and Cllr David Roche.
I hope this will be of some help in trying to get this problem resolved. I intend to follow this up with a meeting with Rotherham and Barnsley council officers, local councillors, police and retail park managers.