Donations still needed for new Bolton-on-Dearne war memorial

A few days ago I visited Bolton-on-Dearne cemetery with the Dearne Memorial Group to inspect the memorial they’ve erected to commemorate all those from the village who lost their lives in WW1, WW2 and other conflicts.

The sandstone and granite memorial is now a very striking centrepiece to the cemetery, and I want to commend the great effort the group and others have put in to achieve this.

They set out with the task of raising £30,000 in less than two years, which seemed so much at the start. The response from big companies was disappointing, and instead they raised the funds from the generosity of the people of the Dearne – from individual donations, coffee mornings, local events and a few local schools who did small fundraisers to give what they could.

The memorial was unveiled this month as WW1 centenary commemorations began, as the group wanted. But this could only happen because Swinton stonemason Brian Butterfield was willing to do the work and accept payment later as the funds were raised. It simply couldn’t have been done in time otherwise.

The project is still £3000 short, and donations are still needed to take the fund up to its total. You can donate online at or by cheque to ‘The Dearne Memorial Group’. For more details email